About Me

Since early adulthood, I have had mental health issues. After becoming widowed a little over 25 years ago the mental health issues started to affect my work and personal life. Unfortunately, this lead to a prolonged battle with addiction. That almost took my life on several occasions. I developed major depressive disorder, and sever anxiety. I struggled with diabetes, HIV, and several other illnesses.
After several internal and external battles, I found a new spiritual path. This new path helped to lessen the destructive pattern in my life. Then COVID hit. Without in-person spiritual nourishment, I relapsed and my life spiraled out of control.
A friend introduced me to ring making which I combined with my previous background of bracelet and necklaces making skills. I found a new in-person worship center. With the help of a new mental organization and a new regiment of medications, I rediscovered the joy of life and the enjoyment of making jewelry. I achieved sobriety again. Each ring I make is a practice of prayer and meditation that helps keep me sober.
I give this message of hope to let you know that there is a possibility of a new and loving life even in the worst circumstances. When you purchase a piece of jewelry remember it in times of despair. If friends or family members are going through rough times, let them know of my story and tell them that there is hope.
For each piece I make, I put on music and meditate and pray as I make them so that my love flows through them and is a blessing to you.
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